Final Wrap-Up

Throughout the entirety of this term I chose to express the art that surrounds me while I dive. I also expressed how these artistic elements play a role in how I dive and perform. As stated in my introduction blog post, I didn’t think too much about diving being an art form until I performed in the water opera, however, afterwards I had a real appreciation for diving, and more generally, movement, as a way to produce art. One post from the last ten weeks that was especially meaningful to me was the one that related to symmetry. In the text, Lupton and Phillips say that “a symmetrical design, which has the same elements on at least two sides along a common axis, is inherently stable”. This was one of the turning points for me in these blog posts because I compared the symmetry of the diving board and its stability to the stability and balance of my diving. This is when I really started to look at my surroundings in the pool differently, since each element is not only visual art, but also adds something that helps with my diving performance. 

Even looking at the Lawrence University swimming and diving logo made me realize that the diagram is not just a series of lines, curves and points, but it is instead a “graphic representation of a structure, situation, or process” (215). This diagram represents the structure of a team that works hard and supports each other. It represents something that I am passionate about and that I love. It represents the goals that I have already achieved and the ones that I still have for the next few years as a Lawrence athlete. 

Overall, throughout these 10 weeks of exploring different artistic strategies and art forms, I have honestly learned that art is everywhere. Even something as simple as a sidewalk has elements of linear design, pattern, grid, etc. We are constantly looking at artistic elements that were each designed in their own way and for a specific purpose.

Lupton, Ellen. Graphic Design: the New Basics. 2015. 


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